Framework for United Nations Administration and Governance in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict remains a long-standing issue, characterised by deep-rooted disputes and recurring hostilities. To address the complexities of this situation and pave the way for a sustainable solution, we propose a framework for United Nations (UN) administration and governance in the Israeli-Palestinian territories. This proposal envisions a United Nations-administered Palestinian state for a specified period, followed by democratic elections, with the primary goal of promoting peace, stability, and equitable governance.

I. United Nations Administration:
A. International Governance Body:
Under this framework, the United Nations will establish an international governance body, composed of experienced technocrats and experts in various fields, responsible for overseeing the administration of Palestinian territories. This body will be impartial and committed to upholding international law and human rights.

B. Ten-Year Administration Period:
The UN-administered period will extend for ten years, during which the international governance body will manage key functions of the Palestinian state. This timeframe allows for the establishment of robust governance structures and the gradual transition towards self-governance.

C. Security Oversight:
The UN-administered period will prioritise security and stability. UN peacekeeping forces and international monitors will ensure the safety and security of all residents both Palestinian and Israeli, facilitating a conducive environment for peace negotiations.

II. Palestinian Self-Governance Development:
A. Capacity Building:

During the ten-year UN administration, a primary focus will be on building the administrative capacity of Palestinian institutions. This includes strengthening government institutions, public services, and infrastructure to ensure the readiness for self-governance.

B. Economic Development:
Economic cooperation and development initiatives will be promoted, fostering economic interdependence between Israel and the emerging Palestinian state. Investment, trade agreements, and joint ventures will contribute to long-term stability and prosperity.

C. Cultural and Educational Initiatives:
Joint cultural and educational programs will be established to promote tolerance, mutual understanding, and reconciliation between Israelis and Palestinians. Preserving shared historical and cultural heritage will be a fundamental aspect of these initiatives.

III. Democratic Elections:
A. Election Preparation:
In the final stages of the UN-administered period, preparations will be made for democratic elections in the Palestinian state. The international community will support these elections to ensure their transparency, fairness, and inclusivity.

B. Legitimate Government:

The elected government will have the responsibility of governing the Palestinian state, guided by the principles of democracy, respect for human rights, and the rule of law. International observers will monitor and verify the election process to uphold its integrity.

The proposed framework for United Nations administration and governance in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict seeks to address the longstanding issues that have hindered peace and stability in the region. It emphasizes the importance of impartial international oversight, capacity building, and the promotion of democratic values.

By adhering to these principles, we aim to create the conditions necessary for a just and lasting resolution to the conflict, fostering hope for a peaceful and prosperous future for Israelis and Palestinians alike.

Draft Resolution