Draft United Nations Resolution

Title: Resolution for the Implementation of a Two-State Solution in the Middle East

[Draft United Nations Resolution]

The Security Council,

Recalling its previous resolutions concerning the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the pursuit of a just and lasting peace in the Middle East,

Reaffirming its commitment to the principles of the United Nations Charter, including the right to self-determination of all peoples and the need to resolve international disputes by peaceful means,

Recognising the historical and humanitarian significance of achieving a two-state solution, with an independent Palestinian state living side by side in peace and security with Israel,

Emphasising the need for a comprehensive framework to address the core issues of the conflict and promote long-term stability in the region,

Taking into account United Nations General Assembly Resolution 181 (1947),  United Nations Security Council Resolution 242 (1967), UN General Assembly Resolution 2535 (1969), UN General Assembly Resolution 32/20 (1977), UN General Assembly Resolution 32/40 (1977) and United Nations Security Council Resolution 2728 (2024)

Expressing its deep concern over the continued humanitarian and security challenges faced by both the Palestinian and Israeli populations,

1. Welcomes the proposal for a comprehensive peace plan that includes the establishment of an independent Palestinian state, under United Nations control, for a period of 10 years, with an international governing body appointed by the United Nations;

2. Calls upon all parties to the conflict, including Israel and the Palestinian leadership, to fully cooperate with the implementation of the peace plan and to engage in direct negotiations with the aim of achieving a just and lasting peace;

3. Demands the complete withdrawal of Israeli forces from the designated Palestinian areas in accordance with the agreed-upon timeline, and the immediate cessation of all illegal Israeli settlements in those areas;

4. Calls for the establishment of an international monitoring body to oversee and verify compliance with the withdrawal and cessation of settlements;

5. Encourages Israel to contribute to the economic development of the emerging Palestinian state through financial investments, trade agreements, and joint ventures, with the aim of fostering economic interdependence;

6. Urges Israel and Palestine to engage in joint cultural and educational initiatives to promote tolerance, understanding, and people-to-people connections, as well as the preservation of shared historical and cultural heritage;

7. Recognises the importance of addressing the refugee issue through diplomatic channels, in collaboration with international organisations, to find just and compassionate solutions;

8. Calls for regular updates on the progress of the peace plan's implementation to be provided to the United Nations Security Council and relevant United Nations bodies;

9. Expresses its readiness to support the peace process through diplomatic means, including the appointment of a Special Envoy to facilitate negotiations and ensure the parties' adherence to the terms of the peace plan;

10. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter.

This resolution, once adopted, shall serve as the framework for United Nations involvement in achieving a comprehensive two-state solution in the Middle East, with the aim of bringing lasting peace and stability to the region.

[End of Draft Resolution]

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