Mobilize for Peace in the Middle East

Your Voice Can Make the Difference 🕊️

Are you passionate about peace in the Middle East?

Do you believe in a two-state solution that brings lasting harmony to the region?

It's time to take action!

Why It Matters:
We need the United Nations to implement a groundbreaking peace plan for the Middle East, offering hope for an independent Palestinian state, equity, and stability. But to turn this plan into reality, we need YOUR voice to motivate national leaders, parliamentarians, and influencers to push the UN to act.

Join the Movement:
1. Write to Your National Leaders 📝
Pen a heartfelt letter to your country's leaders, urging them to support the UN's peace project. Let them know that peace in the Middle East is a global priority.

2. Engage with Your Parliamentarians 🗳️
Reach out to your local parliamentarians and representatives. Encourage them to advocate for the UN's peace plan on the international stage.

3. Mobilize Your Community 🌐

Spread the word on social media, organise peaceful demonstrations, and engage in peaceful dialogue within your community. Every voice counts.

4. Collaborate with Influencers 🤝

Team up with influencers, academics, and thought leaders who share your passion for peace. Together, we can amplify our message.

Your Actions, Their Commitment:

By mobilising your national leaders, parliamentarians, and community, you can make a real impact.

Your actions can push the United Nations to prioritise and act on the Middle East peace project, bringing us one step closer to a brighter future. Join us in this vital missi
on for peace.

Together, we can turn hope into reality.

Dear Britons,

Now is the time to raise your voice for a brighter and more peaceful world.

We invite you to reach out to your parliamentary representatives and express your strong support for the United Nations-administered plan for Middle East peace.

Your elected officials are here to represent your views on critical international matters, and your input matters more than ever.

Click below to find and contact your Member of Parliament (MP)

By advocating for this visionary plan, you are advocating for a future where Israelis and Palestinians can coexist in peace and prosperity.

Your support can play a pivotal role in encouraging the British government to champion this initiative on the global stage.

Together, let's show that the UK stands for peace, justice, and diplomacy in the Middle East.

Join us in making a positive impact on the world and advocating for a future free from conflict and suffering.

Contact your Member of Parliament (MP)

Dear American Citizen,

Your voice holds the power to shape policies and make a difference on the global stage.

We urge you to take a moment to contact your congressional representatives and express your support for the United Nations-administered plan for peace in the Middle East.

By advocating for this visionary proposal, you are advocating for peace, stability, and justice in a region that has long yearned for it.

Your representatives are there to listen to your concerns and represent your views on critical issues like this one.

Click below to find and contact your U.S. Senator

Click below to find and contact your U.S. House Representative

Let your elected officials know that you believe in a better future for Israelis and Palestinians—one built on the principles of equality, cooperation, and mutual respect.

Together, we can send a powerful message that America stands for peace and that we support initiatives that can bring an end to conflict and suffering in the Middle East.

Thank you for making your voice heard and joining the movement for peace.

Contact your U.S. Congressman

Dear South Africans

As citizens of a nation with a rich history of resilience and the pursuit of justice, your voices hold immense power.

We urge you to reach out to your parliamentary representatives and express your unwavering support for the United Nations-administered plan for Middle East peace.

Your Members of Parliament (MPs) are here to represent your views on international matters, and your involvement can contribute significantly to shaping South Africa's stance on this crucial issue.

Click below to find and contact your Member of Parliament (MP)

By advocating for this visionary plan, you are advocating for a future where Israelis and Palestinians can coexist in peace, equality, and prosperity.

Your support can inspire South African leaders to champion this initiative globally, aligning with the principles of justice and human rights that our nation holds dear.

Let us stand together in solidarity, showing that South Africa supports diplomacy, reconciliation, and lasting peace in the Middle East.

Your actions today can help create a more just and peaceful world for all.

Thank you for lending your voice to this important cause.

Contact your Member of Parliament (MP)

Dear European Citizen

In the heart of the European Union, we have the unique opportunity to influence global policies and advocate for peace in the Middle East.

We urge you to reach out to your European Union representatives and express your unwavering support for the United Nations-administered plan for Middle East peace.

Your Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) are dedicated to representing your interests and values, and your involvement can make a substantial impact on the EU's stance on international matters.

Click below to find and contact your Member of the European Parliament (MEP)

By advocating for this visionary plan, you are advocating for a future where Israelis and Palestinians can coexist in peace, justice, and security.

Your support can inspire EU leaders to lead the way in promoting this initiative on the global stage and contribute to a lasting resolution of the conflict.

Join us in demonstrating that the European Union stands for diplomacy, human rights, and a brighter future for all.

Let's unite in our efforts to make a positive impact on the world and work towards a Middle East free from the burdens of conflict and suffering.

Thank you for lending your voice to this vital cause.

Contact your Member of the European Parliament (MEP)

Dear Canadian Citizen

Your voice has the power to shape Canada's stance on critical global issues.

We urge you to take action and reach out to your parliamentary representatives to express your unwavering support for the United Nations-administered plan for Middle East peace.

Your Members of Parliament (MPs) are there to listen to your concerns and represent your views on international matters, and your involvement can make a significant difference.

Click below to find and contact your Member of Parliament (MP)

By advocating for this visionary plan, you are advocating for a future where Israelis and Palestinians can coexist in peace, security, and prosperity.

Your support can inspire Canadian leaders to champion this initiative on the world stage and contribute to a lasting resolution of the conflict.

Join us in showing that Canada stands for peace, diplomacy, and justice in the Middle East.

Let's work together to make a positive impact on the world and promote a future free from the burdens of conflict and suffering.

Thank you for adding your voice to this crucial cause.

Contact your Member of Parliament (MP)

Cher citoyen Français,

La France a toujours été un acteur majeur dans la promotion de la paix et des droits de l'homme à travers le monde.

Nous vous invitons à contacter vos représentants parlementaires et à exprimer votre soutien indéfectible au plan d'administration des Nations Unies pour la paix au Moyen-Orient.

Vos députés sont là pour représenter vos opinions sur les questions internationales, et votre implication peut contribuer de manière significative à façonner la position de la France sur cette question cruciale.

Cliquez ci-dessous pour trouver et contacter votre député

En plaidant en faveur de ce plan visionnaire, vous plaidez pour un avenir où Israéliens et Palestiniens pourront coexister dans la paix, l'égalité et la prospérité.

Votre soutien peut inspirer les dirigeants français à jouer un rôle de premier plan dans la promotion de cette initiative sur la scène internationale, en accord avec les valeurs de la France en matière de paix et de droits de l'homme.

Unissons-nous pour montrer que la France soutient le dialogue, la diplomatie et un avenir meilleur pour tous.

Vos actions aujourd'hui peuvent contribuer à un monde débarrassé du fardeau des conflits et des souffrances.

Merci de faire partie de cette cause importante.

Cliquez ici pour trouver et contacter votre député

Dear Indian Citizen

India's rich tradition of diplomacy and non-violence offers a unique perspective in the quest for global peace.

We invite you to reach out to your parliamentary representatives and express your strong support for the United Nations-administered plan for Middle East peace.

Your Members of Parliament (MPs) are here to represent your views on international matters, and your engagement can help shape India's stance on this pivotal issue.

Click below to find and contact your Member of Parliament (MP)

By advocating for this visionary plan, you are advocating for a future where Israelis and Palestinians can coexist in peace, harmony, and prosperity.

Your support can inspire Indian leaders to play a significant role in promoting this initiative on the global stage, aligning with India's ethos of peace and coexistence.

Let us unite in showing that India supports dialogue, diplomacy, and a better future for all.

Your actions today can contribute to a world free from the burdens of conflict and suffering.

Thank you for being a part of this important cause.

Contact your Member of Parliament (MP)

Lieber Deutscher Staatsbürger

Deutschland hat sich immer für Frieden und internationale Zusammenarbeit eingesetzt.

Wir laden Sie herzlich ein, Ihre Abgeordneten im Bundestag zu kontaktieren und Ihre starke Unterstützung für den Plan der Vereinten Nationen zur Verwaltung des Nahen Ostens zum Ausdruck zu bringen.

Ihre Abgeordneten sind dazu da, Ihre Meinungen zu internationalen Angelegenheiten zu vertreten, und Ihre Beteiligung kann dazu beitragen, die Position Deutschlands in dieser wichtigen Angelegenheit zu beeinflussen.

Klicken Sie unten, um Ihren Bundestagsvertreter zu finden und zu kontaktieren

Indem Sie sich für diesen visionären Plan einsetzen, plädieren Sie für eine Zukunft, in der Israelis und Palästinenser in Frieden, Gleichberechtigung und Wohlstand zusammenleben können.

Ihre Unterstützung kann deutsche Führungspersönlichkeiten dazu inspirieren, eine führende Rolle bei der Förderung dieser Initiative auf der internationalen Bühne zu übernehmen, im Einklang mit den deutschen Werten von Frieden und Zusammenarbeit.

Lassen Sie uns gemeinsam zeigen, dass Deutschland den Dialog, die Diplomatie und eine bessere Zukunft für alle unterstützt. Ihre heutigen Handlungen können dazu beitragen, eine Welt von den Lasten von Konflikten und Leiden zu befreien.

Danke, dass Sie Teil dieser wichtigen Sache sind.

Kontaktieren Sie Ihren Bundestagsvertreter

Liebe Bürgerinnen und Bürger der Schweiz,

Die Schweiz hat eine lange Tradition des Engagements für Frieden und Diplomatie. Wir laden Sie herzlich dazu ein, mit Ihren Parlamentsvertretern Kontakt aufzunehmen und Ihre starke Unterstützung für den Plan der Vereinten Nationen zur Verwaltung des Nahen Ostens zum Ausdruck zu bringen. Ihre Mitglieder des Bundeshauses sind dafür da, Ihre Ansichten zu internationalen Angelegenheiten zu vertreten, und Ihr Engagement kann einen bedeutenden Beitrag dazu leisten, die Schweizer Position zu dieser wichtigen Angelegenheit zu beeinflussen.

Klicken Sie unten, um Ihren parlamentarischen Vertreter zu finden und zu kontaktieren

Indem Sie sich für diesen visionären Plan einsetzen, setzen Sie sich für eine Zukunft ein, in der Israelis und Palästinenser in Frieden, Gleichberechtigung und Wohlstand zusammenleben können. Ihre Unterstützung kann die Schweizer Führungspersonen dazu inspirieren, diese Initiative auf der internationalen Bühne zu fördern und sie im Einklang mit den Schweizer Werten von Neutralität und Konfliktlösung zu gestalten.

Lassen Sie uns gemeinsam zeigen, dass die Schweiz den Dialog, die Diplomatie und eine bessere Zukunft für alle unterstützt. Ihre heutigen Handlungen können dazu beitragen, eine Welt von den Lasten von Konflikten und Leiden zu befreien.

Danke, dass Sie Teil dieser wichtigen Sache sind.

Kontaktieren Sie Ihren Bundestagsvertreter






